Dienstag, 20. November 2012

wonderful input during the stay in Toronto

During our visit in Toronto and Oakville we had the possibility to see wonderful exhibition.
Most impressed I was by the World of Thread exhibition: "Quiet Zone" The Gallery, Queen Elizabeth Park, Oakville.

                                          view into the exhibition

                                                    Marjolein Dallinga, exhibition: de rerum natura
                                                   - I love the colour, the way of making - the joy in life

                                                    Wendy O'Brien, exhibtion: Momento mori

I felt so deeply impressed - and now I think I know more about why - the bird, the cage the nest inside, the end and at the same time the new beginning I love this piece. The deep humor and the knowledge about things..................
I did a leporello with a similiar theme - birds were stitched and could fly away into a new live....

Just some more photos from the town, museums.........

It was a wonderful time with my husband, looking at all these wonderful places, to meet our group, feeling coming together....

                    pieces from the Textile Museum, Toronto and the Bata Shoe Museum, Toronto

                                         town - shops - eating - color - life ...................................

and wonderful inuit art: 

                                               Karoo Ashevak, exhibition place in the Museum of
                                               Contemporary Art, Toronto

BA London - Toronto exhibition - Herxheim, Germany exhibition

now 5 month are gone and a lot of things happened.
In June my degree show opened at Middlesex University London. After 6 years distance learning my student group and I installed the BA show in the University Gallery.
I have to thank my children who helped to instal my flying family tree and preparing the exhibition space.

                                                    "flying family tree", Monika Brückner
                                                    June 2012

I feel very proud having achieved a first degree at the end. The interview was very interesting and I could provide links to the Documenta 2012 in Kassel, Germany and it´s theme about memory, the possibility to come over hurtings and finding new ways.

After this intensive time of studying I had to order my home and install my speech therapy office again.

In the end of October 2012 my student group and I were invited to present our work during the world of thread festival in Oakville, Canada in the Town Hall.

My husband came with me to help to install - but we had totally other options for presenting. Here the solution - which satisfied myself at the end. It brought a bigger distance to the piece itself, made it more common and I feel now there can be developed a new piece for the future.

                                                    "Flying Family Tree 2-Toronto"
                                                    Monika Brückner, November 2012

The acrylic cubes formed a distance to the piece, the inner meaning at to myself. But it was the first time we had the possibility to look into the vessels and look into their inner live.

The next exhibition will be in Herxheim, Germany my hometown. Two of the Candian girls will come over and most of the English artists. We will celebrate our group "continuum".

Now I have to begin to think about PRISM London 2013 with the theme: "liminal".

Preparation for Connected Exhibition - Vorbereitung für Connected Ausstellung

die Vorbereitungen für die Connected Ausstellungen sind im vollen Gange. Letzte Stiche, Zusammensammeln von benötigtem Material für den Aufb...