Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Validiction Room Westpfalzklinikum / Abschiedsraum Westpfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern

Last Thursday I brought the three pieces for the Valediction Room to Kaiserslautern. There they will be stored till the hole Pathology will start to work in the new rooms.

During creating the hole pieces - 3 times 90 x 170 cm - different emotions came up. What will come after death? Fears about the own death..., inner tension about working correctly the first sold piece.....

At the end the outcome was professional. I feel free and as well tired.

Here the three pieces, photographed at home. Photos of the hole room will follow.

The upper part is nuno-felt (silk chiffon with Merino wool). The part beneath is made by threads and free hand machine sewing.

Samstag, 1. Juni 2013

communication - prism 2013, London

`liminal´ prism  2013, London
crossing the threshold

Prism was installed by Julia Caprara and I was proud when she asked me to become a member in 2005. So my first year was 2006. Now in 2013 I present my work with the title "communication" in the Mall Gallery.

The acrylic photo shows the moving by the communicating people during a conversation. The different distances tell about the relationship of the talking person, symboled as vessels out of paper. The gap between the two is the remaining space between the both.

During the exhibition I met two members of my BA group and there was time to talk about our work as well as other artistic questions.

I got aware that the next stage could be to fill up the vessels - with love, warmness....... which material ? How? It will come up....

Thanks a lot to my English friends for all they gave and have done to me ....

Denise Jones, Val Cross and Marilyn Hall from my BA showed her work as well:

                                          Denise Jones

                                          Val Cross

Dienstag, 12. März 2013

Continuum Exhibition in Herxheim, Germany

Today I brought down the rests of our exhibitions. It was a special experience to bring down all these art pieces in just one hour. To installe all our work we needed 6 hours and had been a group of 12 persons.

The response to our exhibition was wonderful. Yesterday I had a phone call of a woman - I don´t know  her - she wanted to tell me how wonderful the exhibition was.

To my work I became wonderful feedbacks. Thanks for that.

                                               Monika Brückner, Flying Family Tree, 2012

It was a wonderful experience to have some of our group here in Germany. At least we had not enough time to speak about art but we had lovely wine tasting, meals, partys ........ Thank you for your coming!

Here some photos of the exhibition. For myself it was the best presentation after London and Toronto.

                                          Denise Jones, Considering Pattern Darning, 2012

                                                Ingrid Lincoln, Place: a perfect Landscape, 2012

                                             Vicki Jenkins, Feminity, 2012 (at the wall)
                                              Val Cross, Collection , 2012 (on the plinths)

                                      Marilyn Hall, Freedom is Choice : Choice is Freedom, 2012

                                                           Jean Kirk, Untitled, 2012

                                                       Lesley Turner, Home, 2012

                                                          Val Cross, Collection, little Sphaers, 2012

                                               Vicki Jenkins, Feminity (two of twenty), 2012

                                              Judy Martin, Simplicity Monumental, 2012

                                                Caroline Hibbs, Make Gloves not War, 2012

What will come next - ideas are born: Germany, Herxheim in two years with new work and Winnipeg perhaps in 3 years!!!

Continuum is going on

Preparation for Connected Exhibition - Vorbereitung für Connected Ausstellung

die Vorbereitungen für die Connected Ausstellungen sind im vollen Gange. Letzte Stiche, Zusammensammeln von benötigtem Material für den Aufb...