Sonntag, 1. Juli 2018

Thoughts after 2 weeks on Mallorca

After examine the way Jan Beany and Jean Littlejohn do their sketchbooks I wanted to try draw and paint with color.

The wonderful strong colors in the garden of our hotel inspired me to paint with watercolour and white . I had much fun by concentration and trying to observe the plants in detail.

But afterwards I often had the feeling it´s too intensive, too much colour. The wish arose to paint in pale grey, pink, beige ….the colors of the buildings and walls between the fields.

In addition I wanted to examine the color with dots. By Judy Martin´s blog, I came over with the artwork of Carol Mahtab, and her sketchbooks – a wonderful inspiration!


So I used a repatative dot pattern, which allowed myself to concentrate in total to the colors.

The last version relates directly to the walls and I feel very satisfied with the outcome. The pasty appearance and the mixed colors in 1 dot I like very much. It remembers me to the stones sawn everywhere. I will see how this will be translated into new artwork.

I will see how this will be translated into new artwork.

Preparation for Connected Exhibition - Vorbereitung für Connected Ausstellung

die Vorbereitungen für die Connected Ausstellungen sind im vollen Gange. Letzte Stiche, Zusammensammeln von benötigtem Material für den Aufb...