Dienstag, 9. Juli 2013

Validiction Room Westpfalzklinikum / Abschiedsraum Westpfalzklinikum Kaiserslautern

Last Thursday I brought the three pieces for the Valediction Room to Kaiserslautern. There they will be stored till the hole Pathology will start to work in the new rooms.

During creating the hole pieces - 3 times 90 x 170 cm - different emotions came up. What will come after death? Fears about the own death..., inner tension about working correctly the first sold piece.....

At the end the outcome was professional. I feel free and as well tired.

Here the three pieces, photographed at home. Photos of the hole room will follow.

The upper part is nuno-felt (silk chiffon with Merino wool). The part beneath is made by threads and free hand machine sewing.

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Preparation for Connected Exhibition - Vorbereitung für Connected Ausstellung

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